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The Welcome Episode
Welcome to Legacy Therapy. This episode introduces the host, Stacey Golden-Lisnock. She shares her background and explains how she got here and what to expect each week so you can create a stress-free legacy.
What's It All About?
This episode will help you to understand the purpose behind the Legacy Therapy podcast. It is designed to cover a variety of topics with the underlying message...get this stuff done while you have the luxury of time. If you wait, it will be a fiasco.
Are You Prepared For a Crisis?
This episode will illuminate how disaster can strike for your loved ones when you’re not properly prepared for unforeseen circumstances. You never know what nightmare could be in store for those you hold dear after you are gone.
Life Settlements Explored
In this episode, Stacey talks to Lisa Rehburg to discuss the ins and outs of life insurance policies and answer some questions you may have. Lisa shares her knowledge on selling insurance policies to investors and explores the options you may have as a policy holder.
Life Insurance Stories
Stacey chats with Bill Lorenz about life insurance in this episode. Bill has 20 years of experience in the industry and has seen firsthand the negative repercussions of being unprepared for a tragedy. They will give the inspiration and several resources to enable you to put a plan in place.
Medicare Fraud
Micki Nozaki joins Stacey to discuss Medicare fraud. They talk about how important it is to get seniors to NOT pick up the phone and give out their personal medicare information. Medicare fraud is elder abuse and it needs to be stopped.
Options in Dying
Samantha Trad is the California State Director for Compassion and Choices. Samantha passionately works hard to expand patient-centered and patient-directed end of life care across the state. Stacey had the opportunity to connect with her and talk about the ins and outs of medical aid in dying.
Final Arrangements
Sherri Bell is here to talk about the “Sandwich Generation.” Meaning you care for your kids and you care for your parents. Are they both covered in the event that something should happen to you? What will happen to your body? Your bills? Your pets? Have you communicated your final wishes?
Essential Pre-Death Tax Tips
Tatyana Bunich joins us today to explore the unintended consequences that can come when someone receives a large inheritance after a family member passes away. Many people choose to have as little withheld as possible when they receive the money… and then are in for a nasty surprise when tax season comes around and they owe hundreds of thousands of dollars.
SMART-sizing 55+
Thomesa Lydon joins us today to discuss the benefit of downsizing. Keeping a bunch of STUFF around can be detrimental not only to your next chapter of life, but also to those you leave behind who have to sift through it after you are gone.
Living Benefits
Ferlie Almonte joins us to share her amazing accomplishments and inspirational journey. She lost her spouse eight months after their wedding day and went into bankruptcy. Through this experience, she learned about something not many know about: living benefits.
Navigating the Retirement RedZone
William Decker joins us to talk about the Retirement RedZone. The five years prior to retirement and the five years following are a very important time with a lot of transitions happening.
Organized and Energized
Kathi Burns joins us to talk about downsizing and organizing your belongings. There can be a lot of sentimental attachment around items but at the end of the day it's just “stuff.” Kathi works to help people make this shift.
Equity Share
Mike Lyon joins us to talk equity share and the opportunities available for property owners. Mike discusses how our education system doesn’t start young people off with the right financial strategies, despite it being a critical part of life! It’s hugely important to learn all of your options and then choose the right financial strategies based on your situation. Let’s explore!
Whole Family Mentoring
Lorrie Richins has spent a lifetime learning about the value of pain in our lives. Lorrie works as a family empowerment coach to help people understand the gift they’re being given even if it comes in an ugly package. She helps people unpack harmful patterns of behavior to let them dissolve and be replaced by beneficial patterns.
Riches to Rags
PK Eastman joins us to tell her story of what happened after her husband passed away. For years, she was in the dark about her family’s finances because her husband handled everything. She was aware of their spending, she would buy things for the house here and there, they purchased a motorhome, but she did not know anything regarding their input versus output. Then, he passed away and she was left dealing with the collateral damage of their massive tax bill.
Transformational Grief
Nancy Gordon joins us to talk about her service dog Toaster. Toaster was a Xolo, which is a hairless dog with a long history of healing humans in Ancient Aztec culture. This opens the conversation up to what happens to our beloved pets after we pass away. Nancy and Stacey talk about assisting pets through their grief and leaving them with a plan in place that ensures their wellbeing.
Mom's Story Unfolded
Jill Lublin joins us to share the heartbreaking story of having to buy back her mother’s sentimental possessions from an auction house after she was moved to a group home because of her dementia. Jill took on huge financial responsibility for her mom’s end of life care due to poor planning. She is here to say “Get it together NOW before it’s too late.”
Ian's Mom
After Ian's mother woke up from a coma, he was left with the realization of how uncontrollable her financial situation had gotten. Bills going unpaid, no budget in play, she was beginning to receive scary letters with final notices, etc. Ian stepped in and helped her create a system to ensure everything getting paid and her living within her means.
This opens up an important conversation about being prepared for the unexpected. With the Emergency Info File course, you can expect to get everything situated for an unexpected illness or death, but also for while you’re still healthy and alive. It is not uncommon for our students to discover discrepancies in their insurance policies, beneficiaries, etc.
Guardianship Explained
Laura Thatcher joins us today to discuss the ins and outs of selecting a guardian for your children if you should ever pass away. Laura compares it to football: you have your starting quarterback, but then you also have your 2nd string and even 3rd and 4th string quarterbacks. Selecting a guardian should be the same way. You want multiple options to ensure you are fully covered in multiple scenarios.
Pre-Planning Gift
Renay Teper is a Pre-Planning Advisor with Dignity Memorial. Renay enjoys helping families pre-plan their final arrangements hopefully without time or health constraints. Pre-planning provides peace of mind to oneself and loved ones. There are many options for funeral and cemetery arrangements and these choices are very personal. Renay finds satisfaction in helping families navigate these options based on their personal experience and choices.
The 5 D's to Update Your Advance Directive
Maggie Tinsley is one of Vital Decisions Clinical Account Executives, she works closely with established clients to provide training on Vital Decisions programs, assists in identifying members who would benefit from advance care planning (ACP) based on their medical diagnoses and serves as an overall clinical resource for clients and their teams.
Megan's Unexpected Story
Megan Bozzuto joins us today to talk about her husband who had a stroke on a business trip in Las Vegas last year. She had to find someone to watch her three young children, hop on a flight to Vegas, and when she got there he was unable to speak because of the stroke. She was left with many unanswered questions. How would they get home from Las Vegas? Who should she notify in his company that this happened to him? He was responsible for paying all of their bills and was suddenly unable to communicate. How would she find the logins to get in to pay their bills in time? This situation made her very aware of the gaping holes in their emergency/legacy planning.
Forward Thinking
Robin Quinn Keehn joins us today to share her unique story of how prepared her parents, specifically her dad, were for their ultimate death. Her Dad made sure that she had all of the passwords, showed her where his organized financial papers were, his funeral was already organized after he passed away, etc. She is the perfect example of what a gift this work is to the loved ones you leave behind. You can never do this work too early, but you can find yourself in a position where it’s too late. Start today!
End of Life Help
Dr. Karen Wyatt is a hospice physician, author, speaker, and the host of End-of-Life University